A police officer has one of the toughest jobs . . . and so does that man's wife! Overworked, underpaid, and overloaded with concern and stress; this is often how an officer's wife recieves her husband when he is off duty. The funniest and best part is, is that when the job does go right, then it makes everything all worth it. This is one officer's wife's daily register of her and her husband's journey:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hmm to update you all on the last week. Detailed postings will follow, however to catch you all up to speed, there will be a recap on this last one.

Let's see . . . my husband works for a police office in a specialty investigation unit. This often requires him to be gone for long hours, mostly it seems, at the most inconvenient times ever possible. We have one toddler son that I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with . . . for now anyway. This week my husband has worked from Monday-Saturday; and quite long days, might I add.

Today, Sunday, was a bit complicated. I was quite expecting a little family time, however he decided to go fishing. I can't perfectly well tell him no, since he has just worked for 6 days straight. I believe that he deserves time to relax, however I am not going to lie . . . I was hoping he would spend the time with us. Saturday night he worked from around dinner time to 4:30 AM. Then got up again to go to bonds court from 8:00AM-1:30PM. The he worked again last night from dinner time to around 4:00 AM. Then left to go fishing about 9:00 AM and returned around 5:00 PM. He told us that he would return around noon, so at about 1:30 PM (with no phone calls) my son and I went about 45 minutes away to go to a friend's pool. We returned around 7:00PM. Our son went to bed, and so did my husband. He had a long week. He has tomorrow off too, then another work week.

The hardest part is that I just can't rely on him for anything . . . help with our son, I do all housework, and now, with this new position (believe it or not), the hours he's working do not match up to the paychecks anymore and we're now significantly short every month.

I'm hoping we'll get to spend a bit more time together too, sometime. We have some decisions to make . . . like what we're naming our new puppy. It's way more important to me than to him . . . there was a puppy at the shelter he wanted, but when we put our past dog down he promised me a the same breed, and I wanted both the rescue and the purebred. Basically, he said we could only have one, and promptly the shelter puppy was adopted by someone else. So we're getting the purebred, but I want him to name it since he feels like it won't truly be his. It's going to be a very large dog (200 pounds), so we have to decide on a suitable name. And I'm hoping that he will really feel like this is his dog, even if it isn't the breed he wanted.

I have no clue what is in store for tomorrow morning, but I was planning on him watching our son tomorrow evening, so I could go see a movie with a friend. I haven't been out in months. Kinda bummed out about even going away to a movie, since I feel like I never see my husband, and may have to get a job to help with the bills. (Putting our son in daycare is a whole other issue I am going to have to go through.) But I feel like maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes I call when I miss him a lot, but he is always too busy with work to talk, so I inadvertently get my feelings hurt. Then when he gets home I have to wait to talk to him about anything so he can "unwind." Then he falls asleep, and I'm nowhere. I know he doesn't purposefully ignore me or my feelings, but when I do not pay attention to him then he wonders why, and then I get my attention. Bad cycle I know, but it's nice to be noticed! So he had his break today; I'll go tomorrow, and I'll hope he will want to find a way to spend some quality time with me . . . all alone. :)